Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Living Kidney Donor Intake Program at UCLA

Darel called this evening to share what he has just learned about a relatively new program at UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center.

The Living Kidney Donor Intake Program allows for two different prospective kidney transplant patients to utilize living donor kidneys from donors who may not match their particular need; but may be able to "swap" kidneys with another recipient in need of a transplant.

Rather than waiting for an exact donor match from an individual donor, this program allows for waiting families and friends to provide a kidney to a matching recipient with far less delay than through traditional methods.

We've placed links in our right-hand column for those who might want to learn more about this process.

In the mean time, Darel's staying healthy as he awaits the next transplant. This week he also got word that a much needed knee replacement operation will take place in April 2009. It's alot to manage... but this is all great news for Darel and he's very pleased with this promising update!

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